Excellent commercial for the Kia Optima in my opinion. First, the advertisement itself;
- Intense music that breaks from the annoying white noise you normally hear pumping out of the tv
- Slow motion. Catches people's eye, breaks pace from the quick tempo of most commercials trying to cram a ton of info in a 30 second spot
- Excellent product placement. Even if you can't see the Kia logo on the front of the car, at least you know its about a car, considering its the only thing that doesn't belong on this basketball court. Interesting approach; everything is normal, all in a familiar place (we've all seen someone dunk a basketball before) and then add in the element you are advertising.
I decided to look it up, found some interesting details. It appears that the player (Blake Griffin) performed the dunk live. Its funny, this ad really blurs the line between entertainment and product promotion. Here's a link to the original. And to sum up here is Michael Sprague of Kia Motors; VP of marketing and communications, nice idea.